Solo show at Piramidón, Barcelona, Spain. Installation view

Solo show at Piramidón, Barcelona, Spain. Installation view

"On the journey toward what cannot be said, we discover remains: subtle papers, shredded canvases, glued pieces of cardboard, tattooed skins and old wood. Veils, like layers of paint, that slightly overlap to describe a place where unity and its fragments coexist, where affirmation enters into crisis and precariousness becomes strength. Here is where the mute signs weave a story, where spectator and landscape overlap. Subtle strata, veils of pigment seek, little by little, step by step, to tie the sky to the earth, action to contemplation.
It is another metaphor, another dream in ruins. And yet, venturing forth is worth every effort, even if it means failing in the attempt; any goal that lies on the other side, once the bland certainty of the shore is abandoned, compensates the effort. A passable path made of paint, a tactile fiction that feeds on earth and air, brings closer what never overlaps even though it seems to touch. The first individual exhibition in Piramidón by Marco Noris (Bergamo, Italy, 1971) guides us towards this metaphorical place, impossible to put into words, situated between ruins and the void."
By Francesco Giaveri (translated by William Truini)
"Camino a lo indecible, nos encontramos con restos: sutiles papeles, lienzos raídos, cartones pegados, pieles tatuadas y maderas antiguas. Velos que como capas de pintura se sobreponen levemente para describir un lugar donde la unidad y sus fragmentos conviven, donde la afirmación entra en crisis y la precariedad se hace fuerza. Es ahí donde los signos mudos tejen un relato, donde espectador y paisaje se sobreponen. Estratos sutiles, veladuras de pigmentos buscan, poco a poco, paso a paso, atar el cielo a la tierra, la acción a la contemplación. ​​​​​​​
Es otra metáfora, otro sueño en ruinas. Y sin embargo, bien merece la pena aventurarse, aunque sea para naufragar en el intento; cualquier meta que esté al otro lado, una vez abandonada la certeza sosa de la orilla, compensa el esfuerzo. Un sendero transitable hecho de pintura, una ficción táctil que se nutre de tierra y de aire, aproxima lo que nunca se sobrepone aunque parece tocarse. La primera exposición individual en Piramidón de Marco Noris (Bergamo, Italia, 1971) nos guía hacia este lugar metafórico, indecible, situado entre las ruinas y el vacío." 
Por Francesco Giaveri
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Carlos Puyol, 2020

A high mountain flâneur, Marco Noris (eng /esp)
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Artworks galleries
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Some artwork from this exposition

​​​​​​​Concetti spaziali series

Wooden blocks series

Wooden blocks series

Skins series

Skins series

Near/far, 2020, oil on canvas, bitumen of Judea on cardboard, mixed media on paper, 180x180 cm

Near/far, 2020, oil on canvas, bitumen of Judea on cardboard, mixed media on paper, 180x180 cm

Solo show at Piramidón, Barcelona, Spain. Installation view
Many thanks to:
Piramidón staff, Francesco Giaveri, Carlos Puyol, William Truini, kati Riquelme, Guillermo Pfaff, Umberto Ciceri, Alexandra Laudo, Olivier Collet, Paula, Bruna, Celeste Reyna

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