Five double-sided abstract cartographies of Garzón's territory.
Vinyl colors, collage, rusty iron and water from the Garzón stream on paper, 2023, 150x100cm
Vinyl colors, collage, rusty iron and water from the Garzón stream on paper, 2023, 150x100cm

Tagamanent i Vallfornès, Montseny, Catalunya. 2023, 150 x 100 cm, mixed media and and collage on paper

Turó de l'Home, Montseny, Catalunya. 2023, 150 x 100 cm, mixed media and collage on paper

27 sequere's journey maps. 2023, 150x100 cm each, mixed media on paper

Split Sun (double-sided cartography), 2022, 150x100 cm, mixed media on paper

Memorias y huellas de la Coma de Burg, 2018, 150x100 cm, técnica mixta sobre papel
Memories and Traces of the Coma de Burg, 2018, 150x100 cm, mixed media on paper